
More than 500 people visited the SEDS Open House Day

On November 19, SEDS held a successful annual Open House Day. It is one of SEDS’s keystone events and this year had extra significance as it was the first post-pandemic Open House Day. The four-hour event was jam-packed with a vibrant, informative, and practice-oriented program, so the SEDS student’s experience was fully displayed during the event.

This year’s Open House was held in the аtrium, where six departments showcased what the School has to offer in the fair. Prospective students had an opportunity to meet the SEDS faculty in person. In turn, professors were excited to welcome prospective students on campus so that they could envision their future in one of its academic programs.

Moreover, interactive displays and department demonstrations highlighted the hands-on learning that SEDS is known for.

Professors from each department were on hand to answer questions.

Visitors could see the firsthand demonstration and chemical experiments that the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering representatives conducted.

Some of them experienced welding from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

The exciting flight simulator for students made it possible for others to feel the thrill of flight.

Gait Exoskeleton system, Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric Car and other Electrical and Computer Engineering Department devices enjoyed extraordinary popularity.

Of particular interest were the demonstrations of the Department of Robotics Engineering.

Did not remain without attention representatives of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.

With their academic programs, computer science professors were as popular as ever among prospective students.

For guests with questions about admission requirements, the Admissions department was present to provide information.

Future students could immerse themselves in the atmosphere of student life at School and see with their own eyes the opportunities to develop their scientific, engineering, and entrepreneurial potential with the Institute of Smart Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ISSAI).

The same opportunities was presented by the Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratory) and Digital Creativity Labоratory (DC Lab) of NURIS.

In the meantime, future students could take a lab tour and discover the school facilities.

Representatives of the six laboratories spoke in detail about the uniqueness of each laboratory.

Prospective students also enthusiastically took part in SEDS Spaghetti Bridge Building Contest and tested their engineering skills with the IMechE students.

They had to design, construct, and test the most efficient bridge. At the end of the competition, judges from IMechE students tested each bridge.

Arduino Development Camp gave students a window into SEDS’s world-class learning environments and a chance to experience the welcoming nature of its community.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department professors trained them in engineering and coding.

Branded gifts also were up for grabs for students who attended the program information session hosted by professor Michael Lewis.

In Alumni2Applicant Speed Mentoring sessions, successful graduates shared their experiences and helped to create a roadmap to success at NU.

The Photo booth created a lot of fun. No less popular was the Instagram frame, hashtags signs with which they could take the most successful photos with friends and colleagues.