Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Total Number of Credits: 248 ECTS

Year 1: Fall Semester (34 ECTS)
Year 1: Spring Semester (34 ECTS)
Year 2: Fall Semester (30 ECTS)
Year 2: Spring Semester (30 ECTS)
Year 3: Fall Semester (30 ECTS)
Year 3: Spring Semester (30 ECTS)
Year 4: Fall Semester (30 ECTS)
Year 4: Spring Semester (30 ECTS)
ENG 100 - Introduction to Engineering
This course introduces students to the foundation and fundamental principles required to become analytical, detail-oriented, and productive engineers. The students will also gain an overview of what engineers do and of the various areas of specialization. Important topics for the engineering profession such as research in engineering, communications, and safety are also introduced. Additionally, students will work together in interdisciplinary groups to research, design, fabricate, test, and deploy a complete engineering project. Through lectures, laboratory practicum and project work, the students will become familiar with the following topics:
  • Overview of the Engineering Discipline
  • Engineering Communications
  • Research Skills
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Drafting and 3D Modelling
  • Fundamental Dimensions and Units
  • Manufacturing (3D Printing and/or others)
  • Material & Chemical Properties
  • Hydraulics and Fluids management
  • Programming * AC/DC circuits
ENG 101 - Programming for Engineers
Programming for Engineers is a comprehensive introductory course designed specifically for students with little or no prior programming experience. The course aims to equip students with fundamental programming skills and a solid understanding of the role computation can play in problem-solving. By the end of the course, students will develop the confidence and ability to write small programs to accomplish practical goals, regardless of their field of study.
ENG 102 – Engineering Materials I
The module covers the fundamentals of materials science and engineering. These include the understanding of the material structure from the atomic to micro to macro levels. The effects of the structure and the processing techniques on the material properties will be discussed. These concepts will be illustrated using metals to allow students to utilize the knowledge for materials selection in common engineering applications.
Course aims:
1) To build a deep understanding of the interconnections between microstructure, processing, and properties of materials and the implications on large-scale engineering applications
2) To enhance the ability of students to connect atomic level behavior of materials with their mechanical properties
3) Familiarize the students with materials characterization techniques, incl. tools for micro-structural observations and mechanical characterization;
ENG 200 - Differential Equations & Linear algebra
1. Differential equations of first- and second-order
2. Series solution of differential equations
3. Laplace transforms and its application to the solution of initial value problems
4. Some of the important special functions.
5. Linear algebra applications
6. Incorporation of the software package Mathematica for both calculus & linear algebra applications.
ENG 201 – Applied Probability and Statistics
This course provides an introduction to basic probability theory and statistics. Topics include sample spaces, events, classical and axiomatic definition of probability, conditional probability, independence, expectation and conditional expectation, variance, distributions of discrete and continuous random variables, joint distributions, central limit theorem, descriptive statistics, confidence interval estimation, and hypothesis testing.
ENG 400 - Capstone Project
The capstone project is the culminating experience of the student's engineering program and provides students with the opportunity to apply and integrate their knowledge and skills gained from earlier years. This course spans two semesters (one academic year), during which students work in teams to apply their knowledge and skills to solve design and operational problems with real world constraints. At the completion of the unit, students will hand over their project deliverables and present project outcomes in a report as well as end-of-semester oral presentation and defense.
MAE 200 – Structural Mechanics I
The subject of structural mechanics aims to study forces acting on rigid bodies at rest. Time will be spent finding free body diagrams, as well as finding resultant forces for a variety of force systems and structures. In addition, finding the reacting forces at the boundaries, due to forces acting on bodies will be also derived. From the analysis of forces, the stresses present within the structure will be analyzed. Students shall develop critical thinking skills to be able to develop an analysis that leads to suitable solution(s) to structural (statics) real life problems using force and stress analysis. Through lectures, laboratory practicum and project work, the students will become familiar with the following topics:
  • Introduction to structural Mechanics
  • Vectors and forces
  • Systems of forces and moments
  • Object in equilibrium
  • Structures in equilibrium
  • Centroids and centers of mass
  • Moment of inertia
  • Internal forces and moments
  • Linear elastic materials (stress/strain)
  • Strain and stress in torsion
  • Stress & Strain transformation
  • Von Mises, Tresca and Mohr’s circles
MAE 201 – Computer AIded Design
Modern engineers must be able to sketch a technical drawing both by hand and in a CAD software package, like SolidWorks, in accordance with requirements defined in international standards (e.g., ISO, ANSI), design 3D parts, and create an assembly of parts. Therefore, it is essential for students to develop skills in spatial visualization of objects and 3D modeling of parts and assemblies. Computer Aided Design is a core course for 2nd-year students with the main focus on the fundamentals of engineering design: visualization, sketching, drawing, modeling, prototyping, assembling, and testing. Students will work on a semester project in teams of 3-4 students.
MAE 205 – Materials and Manufacturing
This course aims to extend the fundamental understanding of the structure - property relationship of materials introduced in Engineering Materials course. It primarily intends to introduce the students to a wide variety of materials and relevant theories. This course covers not only ferrous & non-ferrous materials but also three other major categories of non-metallic materials that are encountered by engineers in the real world, namely ceramics, polymers and composite. It also assists the students to develop the idea of production processes required for various materials. In addition, this course demonstrates the capability of different types of heat treatment processes such as annealing, normalizing, quenching, tempering, surface modification methods to improvise material properties further.
MAE 206 – Engineering Dynamics I
This module consists of application of Newton’s Laws to equilibrium of particle and rigid body and reactions developed internally and externally due to application of the loads, stress and strain diagram, and study of simple mechanical planar motion of a particle through consideration of forces, work, energy and momentum and its conservation using different coordinate systems.
MAE 300 – Fluid Mechanics I
This course covers the basic concepts, techniques and principles underlying the statics and dynamics of fluids. The main topics of the course are: * concept of a fluid, control volume and differential analysis, kinematics of fluid motion, viscosity; * fluid in equilibrium; variation of pressure with depth, forces on immersed surfaces; * dimensional analysis and similitude, dimensionless groups, Reynolds number, laminar and turbulent flow; * conservation laws: continuity, momentum equation, Bernoulli’s equation, and their applications. * viscous flow: Poiseuille and Couette flow, internal flow with losses: major and minor losses, friction factor.
MAE 301 – Engineering Thermodynamics
This course covers the basic concepts, techniques and principles underlying the statics and dynamics of fluids. The main topics of the course are: * concept of a fluid, control volume and differential analysis, kinematics of fluid motion, viscosity; * fluid in equilibrium; variation of pressure with depth, forces on immersed surfaces; * dimensional analysis and similitude, dimensionless groups, Reynolds number, laminar and turbulent flow; * conservation laws: continuity, momentum equation, Bernoulli’s equation, and their applications. * viscous flow: Poiseuille and Couette flow, internal flow with losses: major and minor losses, friction factor.
MAE 302 – Machine Elements Design
This module consists of application of principles of mathematics (including graphs and networks), materials science and mechanics to the design of mechanical machine elements. This module will build the understanding of how machines and their mechanical elements work and how to design them to achieve desired properties and behaviors. It will contribute to the development of critical thinking and understanding of the cause-effect relationships involved in machine design and will set the groundwork for creative mechanical systems design
MAE 303 – Control Systems
This course reviews various types of control systems, deals with system response analysis in frequency domain, state space representation for non-linear system, and classical controller design by hand and by MATLAB software. It also elaborates State space analysis and design. Finally, it deals with the project-based problems drawn from mechatronics and mechanical systems.
MAE 305 – Fluid Mechanics II
This course covers the basic concepts, techniques and principles underlying the external flows, boundary layers and compressible flows. Furthermore, it will discuss how to apply the concepts, principles and theories in fluid mechanics to design and analyze the performance of turbomachinery. The main topics of the course are:
  • Analysis of laminar, transitional and turbulent boundary layers in particular and external flows over objects in general.
  • Calculation of drag and lift forces over various bodies.
  • Analysis of compressible flows and calculation of the flow field parameters with and without shocks.
  • Application of the concepts, principles and theories learnt in fluid mechanics to design and analyse turbomachinery. Engineering estimation of the performance of fluid machines.
MAE 306 – Computer Aided Engineering
The course describes the general underlying principles and techniques used in computer aided analysis software tools. It includes mathematical modelling along with numerical methods & techniques. The course is aiming to introduce the fundamentals of the Finite and Boundary Element methods (FEM / BEM) and guide students in the development and usage of such methods in the engineering profession. Focus will be given in solving specific engineering problems ranging from solid mechanics, to heat transfer and fluid flows using both student-developed and commercial analysis software packages.
Course aims include the following:
1) Describe the mathematical formulation of the finite and boundary element methods and how to apply it to basic (linear) ordinary and partial differential equations.
2) Develop the required mathematical skills regarding the mathematical formulation and applications of FEM and BEM
3) Implement the finite and/or boundary element method (using coding environments, such as MATLAB, FEniCS or equivalent) and solve a specific engineering problem
4) Present the coupling between boundary elements and finite element methods.
5) Apply the aforementioned methods and operations in analyzing engineering problems (elastic, thermal, fluid-flow and electrostatics) in modern CAE/CAA software packages (ANSYS, COMSOL and/or others).
MAE 307 – Engineering Dynamics II
Engineering Dynamics II (MAE 307) course introduces students to fundamentals of machines. This course will let students understand the fact that a machine consists of various intra-connected systems and they are in continues motion to perform their functions. The study of kinematics and kinetics of machines is an essential topic in mechanical engineering that is concerned with comprehending the connection between geometry and motions of the parts of a machine, and the mechanical loads (forces, torques) that produce this motion. The knowledge of this subject is very indispensable for a mechanical engineer in designing various parts of a machine. The course will comprise of four parts (the order of delivery is tentative): first part of the course will study types of gears, gear terminologies, gear law, forces on gears, gear trains and Epicyclic gear trains. Then, the course will deal with planar mechanisms. In this part, motion analysis including position, velocity and acceleration analysis of basic types of mechanisms will be studied and explained using different approaches. The third part will concern with balancing of shaking forces in machine elements and crank effort diagram and flywheels. The last part of this course introduces mechanical vibrations in machines including free undamped, free damped and forced systems. The Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
1. Analyze and synthesize mechanisms and machines.
2. Design viable mechanism solutions to real, unstructured engineering problems.
3. Identify, formulate, solve and analyze simple vibration problems.
4. Apply knowledge for analysis of simple machine elements experimentally.
The Course aims to impart the necessary knowledge and skills for mechanical engineering students:
1. To apply dynamics analysis in the design of mechanisms and machines.
2. To design linkages and calculate their position, velocity and acceleration as well as the forces involved in their motion.
3. Due to the presence of shaking forces (and balancing) in linkages an introduction to vibration will be done.
MAE 400 – Heat Transfer
The course covers the heat transfer phenomena including conduction, convection and radiation. Boiling and condensation, and heat exchangers are treated as well. By learning the basis of all these phenomena and techniques, the students will develop advance knowledge and understanding of heat transfer. The module will assist students to gain an understanding of heat transfer concepts and their applications.
The course aims are:
1. to explore the principles of heat transfer process, numerical analysis of heat transfer and their influence on systems in everyday life.
2. to learn the design principles of thermo-fluid systems.
3. to apply the knowledge to analyze existing thermo-fluid systems and to contribute to new designs.
MAE 401 – Mechanical Systems Design
The proposed course will consist of application of previously studied principles of machine elements design to design complex mechanical systems and machines and develop relevant technology. This module will build the understanding of how mechanical systems and machines work and how to create them in order to achieve given desired properties and behaviors within given contexts and requirements. It will contribute to development of competencies related to the systematic analysis and synthesis, creativity and decision-making and to the understanding of complex real-life mechanical systems. By the end of the course the student will be expected to be able to:
1) Apply systems design methodology to create abstractable/ specifiable system models in the space of ideas, using idea representations and values of ideas; Identification of the design object, context, and requirements and of pDOFs and dDOFs
2) Perform systems modelling based on SN-methodology
3) Model the design process and its subprocesses, planning and monitoring, the technology development process and apply systematic innovation methodology
4) Explain and measure quality and apply total quality management
5) Perform multi-parametric multi-objective evaluation and optimization and related parametric studies
6) Apply taught methods to the design of challenging mechanical systems and technology. Assessment of the course will consist of a number of design assignments which will be performed in groups and a term paper. Students' understanding of the topics will be monitored through regular skills tests. Special attention will be paid to peer learning. Students will be provided with access to the Machine design laboratory and FabLab; a budget of $5,000 will be needed for services, consumables, and components. Students will need access to the following software: Solidworks, ANSYS, Comsol, KissSoft, Recurdyn.

MAE 454 – Aerodynamics
This course aims to introduce the theoretical concepts for the analysis of air flow over thin streamlined bodies. The material includes a review of the historical development of aerodynamics and aerospace engineering. The application of aerodynamics to the design of engineering components and systems is emphasized.
There are four main components in the course:
1) Ideal, inviscid, incompressible flow
2) Thin airfoil theory and finite wings for incompressible flow
3) Inviscid compressible supersonic flows for airfoils
4) Viscous aerodynamics, including laminar and turbulent boundary layer theories, and analysis of airborne vehicles.