SEDS Student Research Excellence Awards
SEDS Research Awards are given to SEDS students (graduate and undergraduate) to honor and recognize students achievements. The award would be given to students for publishing in the top 10% of journals ( To qualify for the award, the student must be the lead author*. For students publishing multiple papers in the top 10% of journals, only one research award will be given. Please note that the paper must be published during the year 2023 and the student’s affiliation must be with NU. The deadline for submission is February 29, 2024.

Please complete the form available at the following link.

# The latest SCOPUS journal ranking would be used to find the top 10% journals.
* The co-authors (e.g., second or third authors) are also eligible for the research award if, in the published manuscript, it is clearly stated that these authors have equally contributed as the lead author.